Smart Quantum Light is a kind of atmosphere lamp that supports random connecting of shapes and arbitrary changes of colors. Quantum energy is a life light to interact with people, and traditional lamps cannot bring such creative ways to play. It can be placed on the desktop or used as background wall, ceiling and other decorations. With its functions such as audio discoloration and voice control, quantum lamp gives the lighting system a new intelligent way to decorate and provides diversified experiences for living scenes in your home. The reviews speak for themselves!
Color Variety
Has a range of 16 million colors to choose from with three color selection modes to fit the mood you desire. Illuminate the room you choose at the touch of your fingers
Enjoy the fun of DIY
Up to 6 blocks with straight and precise edges allows for seamless connections to make various shapes, show gorgeous & amazing effects while creating a romantic & joyful atmosphere. Express your creativity and have people admire your home and decorative skills when they enter
Voice Control
Works with Amazon Alexa and Google Home, simply voice what you would like the lights to do and watch the action(s) take place right before your eyes
Dynamic Effects for Music Sync
With the provided option of music sync, you can freely play your tunes and watch the lights dance to your music, creating a fun and enticing vibe
Explore Through the App
Download "Lifesmart" app to control quantum light smartly and explore different possibilities like customizing your lighting effects, dimmable function, auto ON/OFF, memory function
For added uniqueness, these lights come with a touch sensor on the back that changes the color of the lights, along with auto-lighting when opening a door
These lights have a low power consumption levels with a built-in energy saving mode so you can enjoy the creativity and amazing effects of these lights while being environmentally conscious
No Hub or Bridge required
Connect to WiFi for optional advanced features by controlling with the app on your smartphone
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